Friday, 21 June 2019


Agu ongo ngopiri ni ai paleko iri [Translated from Lugbara: S/he who sings prays twice]. Music is Food for the Soul, therapeutic like Medicine, more valuable than many Elements! Plants respond to Music; Flowers in Heaven apparently can sing. We all know Birds do it very well here on Earth. There is even a certain Frequency that can heal broken Bones plus Hearts. Music can make you dance with Joy or smile; maybe Happyness [Ayiko] is a beautiful Sound in your Ears.  

Lugbara Translate (Beats)
21st June is World Music Day [Wudrukuru ma Ongo O'du] while 1st October is also considered International Music Day, but Music plays everyday. Lucifer used to be in charge of Music in Heaven; he was a Cherubim Angel. However, when GOD kicked him out, the six-winged, musically-superb Devil continued with his GOD-given Talent down here on Earth through Humans. Sometimes it's hard to tell which Songs are from the Devil (though certain Lyrics may give way), but those with positive Messages especially about the Praise and Worship of GOD, Gifts of the Holy Spirit or Church are usually given the Benefit of Doubt as worth listening to. LORD, have Mercy! Blow the Trumpet [Guke]! Pianos (both foreign and local Thumb ones), Adungus, Guitars and other Instruments make great Sounds, but am truly amazed at what Harps can do, especially big ones, angelic! #GODisgreat! When will we sing a new Song...

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